Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To Tase or Not to Tase That is the Question?

I woke up this morning and as usually flicked the TV on to Mike and Mike in the Morning on ESPN2. It wasn't long before they touched on an incident that happened last night in Philadelphia. A 17 year old kid consulted with his dad and he decided that it would be a good idea to run out on the field. So he proceeded to run and avoid security until he was Tasered. Needless to say the 17 year old punk fell to the ground and the game could continue shortly thereafter. Now everyone who has ever attended a game knows that you are not allowed on the field of play. This punk decided he was above the law and did it anyway. Now his father says that it was just a prank and that he is shocked (bad pun intended) the cops Tased him. I say the idiot got what he deserved. If you stay in your seat you won't get Tased. Now a debate rages on the internet about if it was justified and many cop haters have come out of the woodwork, including the ACLU. I guess we should wait until one of these morons stabs someone before we take action? Then again the cops would be blamed then because someone would say they didn't do their job. Now the kid got his 15 minutes of fame and his weenie father will probably file some trumped up lawsuit against the Phillies and everyone else. This is what we have come to, and it just makes me sad.

Stupid statement of the week: Jim Felix in his blog Another Night at Citizen's Bank Park wrote about the incident: "First of all he was a Phillies fan. The team on the field at the time was the Phillies. I don’t think a Phillies fan is looking to harm anybody on his home team." I am glad this guy isn't the head of security, because all someone would have to do is where the hometown jersey to do whatever the hell he wants.

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